
Make a fireplace with cardboard boxes.

Here is a great sharing holiday decor inspiration I found worth sharing. Decorate your house with this superb cardboard fireplace craft.

Here is what you need for this project:

  • 4-18x18x16 cardboard boxes 
  • 2-28x20x5 cardboard boxes 
  • 1-2 rolls of brown craft paper 
  • packaging tape
  • acrylic paint (brick red or mix of red, brown and cream)
  • sponge
  • red, yellow and black card stock 
Step 1: Tape all 4 18×18 boxes up, leaving one flap open, like this:
Step 2: Flip the boxes on their sides and stack them to make the base of the fireplace and tape the sides and back seams together like this:
Step 3: roll out 130″ of the craft paper and start sponge painting your bricks, we found if your sponge isn't too saturated, it gave it a more realistic look! The craft paper was not quite tall enough to cover my boxes, so I cut 4 or 5 strips that were 7″ tall and taped them to the larger 130″ strip before painting (tape goes on the back side, not sure how well the paint would stick to it). Hope that makes sense!
Step 4: Once the paint has dried, lay your paper over the boxes and secure them with packaging tape, your base is now done.
Step 5: (I totally spaced taking pictures of this part, but it’s similar to the first part.) Assemble your two 28x20x5 boxes and tape them together so the dimensions are 56x20x5. Cover the top and sides with craft paper. I chose not to paint my mantle, but you can paint it with mixed black and white paint, using a rag to get a marble look. Then just set your mantle on top of your bricks, put the black card stock down for the “fireplace floor” and cut out red and yellow flames if you want a fire or use any fake fire effect.
Enjoy. ;-)